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Professionals with proven seniority and expertise working together for the achievement of your company’s best results.

We are aware of the sensitive nature of the information we deal with, the risks involved and the importance of business to our customers. Therefore, we set up an outstanding team of senior professionals and specialists in different areas. Our consultants are former business executives of national and multinational companies, who understand customers’ business and the paths to achieve results.

How we do it

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Décio Tarallo
Décio Tarallo

Aeronautical-Mechanical Engineer (ITA), Postgraduated in Operational Research (ITA-INPE), MBA Professor (ESPM, FIA-USP)

24 years of experience in Logistics and Supply Chain
Business executive in the following companies: Copersucar União, Grupo Ultra, Grupo Bunge, TNT Logistics, Atlas Transportes and Embraer

Hermann Marx
Hermann Marx

Mechanical Engineer (ITA), Master in Operational Research (COOPE), Doctor from Prolam (USP), “Diplom Ingenieur” ( Aachen Technical University – Germany) MBA Professor (ESPM, Mackenzie, FIA-USP)

35 years of work experience of which 22 have been in Supply Chain
Business executive in the following companies: Arno, Olivetti do Brasil, Itautec, Embraer, Schunk

Emerson Bertin
Emerson Bertin

Business Administrator (FIAP), MBA – Corporate Finance Management (FGV)

Over 15 years’ experience in Retailing, Finance and Logistics
Business executive in the following companies: EFC, Caboclo Atacadista e Distribuidora, Nipolandia, Nipon